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Staff Augmentation vs Outsourcing

Companies are constantly looking for ways to meet their operational needs to keep up with the competition and stay efficient. There are two most popular strategies that organizations use to meet their workforce needs and address talent shortages. They are staff augmentation and outsourcing. While both approaches can fill talent gaps and effectively manage workloads, they differ significantly in execution, control, and outcomes. Both of these strategies are particularly popular in the IT industry. But which one should you choose?

Choosing the right approach depends on your organization's unique needs, project requirements, and long-term goals. Understanding the differences between staff augmentation and outsourcing is crucial to determining which strategy aligns best with your company's goals. Knowing when to augment your workforce and when to outsource it can be a game changer, allowing your business to adopt new technologies and improve its processes, making your operations more innovative and efficient.

What is Staff Augmentation?

Staff augmentation means supplementing your in-house team with additional resources, i.e., external contractors, on a temporary or project-specific basis. These external professionals integrate into your in-house team, work under your direct supervision, though they are not formally considered company employees. This approach differs from other third-party staffing options like consultants and freelancers, who typically operate more independently and are not as closely integrated with your internal team.

Pros of Staff Augmentation:

Flexibility: It allows companies to easily scale their teams up and down according to project needs without long-term commitments. Additionally, if you need to change your project timeline, it is often easier to accommodate this with an internal team than with an outsourced team. 

Full control: It allows complete internal control over the project, its quality, and timelines as augmented staff work under your supervision. 

Expertise: It allows access to specialized skills that may not be available in-house. So you can address specific project needs without long-term training investments.

Cost efficiency: It reduces hiring costs and obligations associated with full-time employees, such as benefits or severance pay. You only pay for the skills/talents that you need and when you need them.

Better  integration with internal processes: It allows for easy alignment of temporary staff members with your existing team and systems since augmented staff share your company's specific work structure and culture.

Cons of Staff Augmentation

Higher management costs. Staff augmentation for an IT project means managing it remains an internal responsibility. As project needs expand, it often means increased management workload and costs.

Training costs. While companies will not have to train augmented staff in technical capabilities, training may still be required to get the employee up to speed with internal processes, tools, and other knowledge.

Scalability difficulty: If the project's scope changes, it is often more complicated to find or change resources when using staff augmentation.

What is Outsourcing?

Outsourcing means delegating entire projects or business functions to an external organization. The external organization, which can be located offshore or nearshore, takes full responsibility for the execution and delivery of the outsourced tasks. It is one of the most popular approaches for software development nowadays. We have devoted the whole article to why outsourcing is worth it and can bring value to your business. You can check it out here.

Pros of Outsourcing:

External Project Management. The outsourcing company handles project management and bears responsibility for the entire project.

Focus on main activities and goals: It does not distract focus from major business needs. By delegating additional functions, your internal team can concentrate on strategic initiatives and primary business activities.

No onboarding training: An outsourcing company will likely need no training to complete your project unless your company has legacy or proprietary systems.

Easy Scalability: Outsourcing companies usually have a large pool of resources and can quickly allocate additional staff to a project if it evolves and requires more resources than anticipated or if turnover occurs. It can quickly fill the position, ensuring continuity and eliminating management overhead for extra employees.

Expertise, innovation, and risk management: Outsourcing partners typically have a high level of expertise in their field. These partners have established processes and standards for compliance, which can reduce potential risks and ensure that the work meets regulatory requirements and quality standards. They often use advanced technologies and processes, leading to innovative solutions and more efficient operations for your business.

Cons of Outsourcing:

Less control: Outsourcing means you have less control over the day-to-day management of the project. Once goals, deliverables, and deadlines are established, the execution of the project is up to the outsourcing company. It can lead to issues if there are miscommunications or the outsourcing partner does not meet your expectations.

More expensive than staff augmentation: Outsourcing includes a broader range of services and assumes more responsibility for the project's outcome, so it usually comes at a higher cost than staff augmentation, where you only pay for the individual professionals' time and expertise.

Communication barriers: Differences in time zones, language, and cultural nuances can create communication challenges that affect project outcomes. While communication barriers can also exist in staff augmentation, they are typically more manageable since augmented staff often work more closely with your internal team. 

Vendor dependency: Your project's success is highly dependent on the outsourcing vendor's performance and stability. While there is also dependency on staff augmentation, it is generally easier to replace individual contractors than an entire outsourced team.

Choosing the Right Approach for Your Project?

Choosing between staff augmentation and outsourcing depends on your project's specific requirements, management approaches, budget considerations, and desired level of control:

Project Scope and Duration: 

  • Choose staff augmentation for short-term projects or when you need specific expertise temporarily. For instance, if you want software developers with a specialized skill set to join your existing in-house team for a limited time. 

  • Choose outsourcing for long-term and ongoing functions. A reliable relationship with a trusted IT partner can provide the required stability and continuity of operations. Outsourcing is also ideal if you need access to a global talent pool, including offshore development teams with the necessary skills and expertise. 

Control and Supervision: 

  • Choose staff augmentation to preserve transparency and direct control over your project's progress, workflow, and team members.

  • Choose outsourcing if you feel comfortable when the vendor manages your project independently, want the service provider to be completely accountable for your project, or wish to minimize your administrative tasks and focus on your business growth.

Integration and Communication: 

  • Choose staff augmentation for projects that require smooth integration with your internal team and processes. It will ensure better alignment and collaboration. 

  • While outsourcing can pose challenges in integration, particularly across different time zones and cultures, choosing outsourcing partners with enough overlapping working hours and having regular meetings, detailed documentation in place, and reliable communication tools help mitigate these challenges.

Cost Considerations: 

  • Choose staff augmentation to pay only for the professionals' hourly rates without additional management fees. It is a cost-effective solution for short-term or highly specific tasks that require particular expertise without long-term commitments.

  • Choose outsourcing if your project is large, complex, or labor-intensive. Although outsourcing can be more expensive than staff augmentation due to the included management and quality assurance fees, it might still be cost-effective considering the reduced internal management overhead and the efficiencies gained from the outsourcing partner's expertise and resources.

Risk Tolerance: 

  • Choose staff augmentation to maintain confidentiality and keep all sensitive details in-house. Staff augmentation offers lower risk in terms of control but higher risk in terms of dependency on individual contractors.

  • Choose outsourcing if you are willing to leverage the outsourcing partner's expertise and processes but accept others related to vendor performance and stability.


Both staff augmentation and outsourcing have their unique advantages and limitations. The key distinction between IT project outsourcing and staff augmentation lies in who is responsible for project management and accountability for results. In IT project outsourcing, the outsourcing company will manage the project and be accountable for results. In contrast, staff augmentation requires in-house project management, leaving your company accountable for failures or successes.  Your business needs, project requirements, and strategic goals should guide the choice between these two options.


Charlie Lambropoulos


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