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Top 8 Tools for Customer Journey Mapping

Understanding customers and their needs is vital for any successful business. What makes them buy your products or services? What is their user experience like? And why do they stay or leave? We have one very powerful tool to get this valuable information: customer journey mapping. It helps you answer these and other questions, analyze your target audience, and improve your sales pitch.

What Is a Customer Journey Mapping?

Customer Journey Mapping represents the interaction between the customer and the business from the customer's point of view. It shows the customer's points of contact with the product or service and depicts the customer's path to purchase. This map enables businesses to see how their customers actually experience their brand versus how companies think they should, taking into account customer motivations, needs, and emotions. We have discussed in more detail in one of our previous articles what it is, what benefits it offers to businesses and users, and how to create it. 

While it is possible to map a customer journey even on a piece of paper using a simple pen, specialized digital tools can do it faster, easier, and more efficiently. They can gather customer journey behavior analytics, automate the process and allow collaboration, editing, and sharing. That's why these tools for customer journey mapping are invaluable—they streamline the process, enabling understanding the customer journey and achieving your goals much faster.

What are Customer Journey Mapping tools?

A customer journey mapping tool is software that helps you define and collate information at different stages of the customer journey and present it in an easy-to-understand way. There are actually two separate, albeit complementary, types of customer journey mapping tools. 

Customer Journey Analytics Software

Analytics tools give you a complete understanding of who your customers are and how they behave on your site. Usual web analytics tools focus on numbers like traffic, demographics, new and returning users, bounce and conversion rates. Behavioral analytics tools, on the other hand, show you how users interact with your site and move through their journey. They help you see where users spend time and where they exit the funnel. Combining quantitative and qualitative analysis can help you find and fix any problems in the customer journey, improving the experience for your users.

Customer Journey Visualization Software

While Customer journey analytics software is focused on сollecting the data that will сonstitute a customer journey map, customer journey visualization software concentrates on creating the map itself. It is the category most people think of when they hear about journey mapping software. This software category creates dynamic visualizations of a customer's journey at each touchpoint across multiple channels. You can save them online, share them with your team, and turn them into a collaborative workspace for remote work. Besides, this type of software usually provides customer journey mapping templates depending on a company's objectives.

Here is our pick of the top 8 tools that will revolutionize the way you analyze and optimize your customers' journeys:


Glassbox is a digital experience analytics platform that automatically captures, visualizes, and analyzes customer behavior in real time when interacting with your website and mobile app at every stage in the funnel. Glassbox offers customer journey mapping, session replay, and powerful AI-driven analytics. Its session replay feature provides a "video-like" playback of the user's journey. It integrates smoothly with various marketing, CRM, and data platforms like Salesforce, Adobe Marketing Cloud, and Google BigQuery.

Pricing: Glassbox does not disclose pricing information on its website, and interested parties must request pricing details and possibly a trial through a formal request process.

Hubspot Marketing Hub

HubSpot Marketing Hub is a leading, all-in-one marketing platform designed to consolidate all marketing channels into one platform for a comprehensive view of the customer journey. It has a user-friendly interface and integrates seamlessly with its CRM, allowing businesses to manage their marketing efforts and customer interactions in one place. 

The platform offers robust analytics capabilities for tracking customer engagement across different touchpoints. One of the platform's main strengths is its ability to personalize campaigns by segmenting the audience based on demographics, behaviors, or stages in the customer journey. This personalization enables businesses to deliver targeted and relevant content to their audience, improving engagement and conversion rates. HubSpot's advanced marketing reporting tools focus on metrics relevant to understanding the customer journey, tracking campaign performance, and maximizing ROI.

Pricing: offers a range of plans to suit different business needs and budgets. These plans include a free plan, a Starter plan starting at $20 per month per user, a Pro plan at $890 per month for three users, and an Enterprise plan at $3,600 per month for five users.


Insider is a comprehensive growth management platform that collects and integrates data from various sources and touchpoints, analyzes, segments, and acts upon them. It is recognized as one of the leading customer journey analytics tools, leveraging machine learning and artificial intelligence to analyze past, present, and forecast future customer behavior. The platform enables businesses to proactively address customer needs, personalize experiences, and design strategies that are likely to resonate with their target audience. Insider can integrate with 100+ third-party applications across 20+ categories, including CRM, Analytics, Ads, Social Media, and more, making it versatile and adaptable to different business needs.

Insider supports A/B testing and other optimization techniques to continually refine the customer experience based on data-driven insights. It offers pre-built templates and allows for the creation of dynamic marketing content through landing pages, emails, and forms. Marketers use Insider's platform to deliver experiences across channels like Web, App, Web Push, Email, SMS, and Messaging Apps (WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, RCS).  

Pricing: Insider doesn't offer a publicly shown pricing plan; it provides it upon request once you get in touch with their sales team.


Hotjar is a product experience insights platform that provides behavior analytics and feedback data to help businesses understand their customers. The platform offers various features aimed at optimizing customer journeys, including visual representations, user feedback collection, and seamless collaboration. It provides visual representations through tools like Hotjar funnels, which show conversion steps and drop-offs on websites, as well as Heatmaps and session recordings that visualize user interactions such as clicks, taps, and scrolling behavior. 

Hotjar facilitates team collaboration through features like highlights, which allow for insights sharing and annotations on specific sessions or recordings. The platform also offers Dashboards with main user behavior metrics and collects customers' feedback via surveys, user interviews, and a visual feedback widget. The platform enables data segmentation and filtering, helping businesses understand different user segments' behaviors. It integrates with tools like Google Analytics, Asana, Microsoft Teams, Trello, Jira, Slack, and more, further enhancing its functionality.

Pricing: offers a free plan, paid plans range from $39 to $213 per month. The majority of advanced features are available starting from the Business plan at $99 per month.


UXPressia is a dedicated customer journey mapping platform that visualizes, presents, shares, and improves customer journeys. In addition to journey mapping, it offers a buyer persona generator and impact map builders. It allows real-time online collaboration between different users, integrates with multiple data sources, and has an intuitive interface with a drag-and-drop environment. 

UXPressia offers 100+ pre-built templates, with the ability to customize them for different audiences and perspectives and standardize and also build property templates. It offers interactive online courses to help users get started with mapping and provides integrated web analytics for detailed customer experience analysis. Additionally, it includes a presentation mode for sharing journey maps online and allows users to export examples in various formats such as PNG, PDF, CSV, and PPTX.

Pricing: offers a free plan; paid plans range from $16 to $36 per user, per month. Additionally, it offers an Enterprise plan for larger organizations or businesses with specific needs.


Custellence is a customer journey mapping tool with a simple drag-and-drop functionality. It allows the creation of customer journey maps, user maps, service blueprints, and experience maps. It also allows real-time collaboration with commenting features and enables users to email links for input or connect cards to external platforms like Jira, Trello, or Asana. Custellence stands out with its relatively low learning curve, making it user-friendly even for beginners.

Custellence offers a flexible map structure that allows for adding lines and curves for customer empathy and shows the customer's experience, efforts, and emotions. It has a unique image collection, a variety of carefully selected icons, and multiple templates for a quick start. Supported export formats are PNG, CSV, or PDF. 

Pricing: offers a free plan and a professional plan at $625 per month for large organizations.


Smaply is a visual customer experience management software with two versions: a classic Smaply and a forthcoming "3.0" version (access granted in batches). The classic version enables creating customer journey maps, personas, and stakeholder maps. Journey maps allow you to add various important details of each touchpoint in a drag-and-drop manner and visualize your customer's journey using images, texts, emotions, channels of communication, etc. The persona editor allows the creation and customizing of persona templates for different target groups. The mapping tool for stakeholders helps companies visualize the ecosystem of their product or service and identify formal and informal relationships between employees, clients, and suppliers that influence your service.  

Smaply enables teams to collaborate on different maps, share journey maps, comment on them, exchange customer feedback, and create multiple exports to PDF, PowerPoint, PNG, and Excel formats. The integration with project management software like Jira (starting from Pro plan) is an additional feature that further enhances collaboration.

Pricing: offers a free plan which is limited to 3 journey maps; paid plans range from €19 to €29 per user per month. It also offers an Enterprise plan for larger organizations or businesses with specific needs.


Lucidchart is a diagramming software that helps visualize processes, systems, organizational structures, and customer journeys and link elements across these views. It offers numerous customizable templates, a drag-and-drop editor, and formatting options to create various types of diagrams, including customer journey maps and stakeholder maps. Lucidchart's collaboration features enable real-time co-authoring, in-app chat, shape-specific comments, and live cursors, facilitating teamwork and communication among team members working on the same diagram. Users can export their diagrams as image files (PDF, PNG, JPEG, SVG), Visio files (VDX/VSDX), and a CSV file of the shape data.

Lucidchart supports integrations into tools like Google Workspace, AWS, Microsoft Teams, Confluence, Salesforce, and Slack, making collaborating on customer journey maps within these ecosystems easier. However, it's worth noting that Lucidchart may have a steeper learning curve than some alternatives, likely due to its extensive feature set and customization options.  

Pricing: offers a free plan limited to 3 documents, paid plans range from $9 to $11 per user per month. It also offers an Enterprise plan for larger organizations or businesses with specific needs.


Charlie Lambropoulos


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